Monday 6 June 2016

Rene Schillinger - How to Teach Someone to Read

Teaching someone how to read can be difficult. Rene Schillinger is an educational consultant who has studied English education extensively. He has written many academic articles on literacy and he has conducted several presentations on the importance of reading comprehension. He works with educators and helps them learn the best teaching practices for reading comprehension and writing skills. If you are trying to teach someone to teach, there are a few steps that you should take. 

The first step is to work on word learning and vocabulary. It is important to help your student learn to recognize words. Vocabulary acquisition is one of the most important steps in learning how to read. It is essential that students being building their vocabulary, and begin learning how to recognize those words. 

The next step is to work on oral and silent fluency. It may be easier for students to recognize different words if they are able to read out the words they see. You should focus on diphthongs and common syllable pronunciations.

A great tip for teaching people how to read is to read with them. Have them follow along as you read a page out loud. This process will help students learn words, pronunciation, and sentence pattern. It is also important to have your students read out loud to you. You can correct their mistakes and help them become comfortable with reading. Rene Schillinger is a skilled educator who works with teachers as well as other school officials. He helps educators learn how to improve their students reading comprehension.